Watching the snow melt is a wonderful feeling, it means that spring is on it's way. We have been loving the warm weather the last couple of days. Saturday and Sunday were both in the high 50's, so we were outside mostly all day. Caden loved jumping in the puddles of melting snow, along with not having to wear a hat or scarf or heavy coat. Yesterday was nice, but a little cooler. But still amazing weather for February. After this week of sunshine our snow should be all gone. Seeing the grass again is nice, but I think Cade's favorite thing is seeing the dirt. He's been trying to convince me to get the garden shovels and trowels out. Can you tell he remembers the garden and all the fun he had digging in the dirt?!
Oh what fun he had jumping and splashing in the water! His shoes were soaked and pants wet. Do you remember the last time you were this care free?
We even enjoyed a bowl of ice cream outside. Mmm..
I hope the snow stays melted now! I left you a "Stylish Award" on my blog! I enjoy reading your blogs!